Anita Rahmawati, Arini Budi Purwati, Yeni Kartikasi

= http://dx.doi.org/10.24990/injec.v1i2.71
Abstract views = 1044 times | views = 18 times


Introduction. Hypertension is highest disease in the world, 60 % patient of hypertension occure complication and ended was death. The absolute and relative increases in drinking water were associated with significant loss of body weight and fat over time. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of hydrotherapy for blood pressure patient of hypertension. Method. Research design was quasy experiment with control group pretest-posttest design. Population was elderly with first level hipertension whose registered at Posyandu Lansia Gedog. Sampling technique was simple random sampling. Treatment group was drinking four glases water after wake up in the morning. Blood pressure was observed twice every day (morning and daytime). Results. Based on the result of data analysis with Independent T-Test assess p=0,001 ( p<0,05) for systolic blood pressure and p=0,028 (p<0,05) for diastolic blood pressure. It means there was influence of hydrotheraphy for blood pressure patient of hypertension. Discussion. So that expected patient of hypertension to drink water every wake up in the morning can be habit or life as alternative control blood pressure.  Keywords: hydrotherapy, hypertension, blood pressure

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