Susana Widyaningsih, Y Hastuti, S Mirzah, U Sujianto

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Background: Clinical learning in internship program is a very imperative. Taking care of patients in the clinil will train the students to sharpen their critical thinking. Critical thinking competence among nursing students is important to provide a holistic nursing care. Mind Mapping is a method used in the clinical learning using a creative colorful diagram. It contains a main idea and key data of patients who were taken care of by the students in the medical surgical unit. Objective: This study aims to enhance critical thinking competence among nursing students in the intership program, medical surgical cycle. Method: The design of this study was a quasi experiment with one group pre and post test. The Mind Mapping method was given before the participants started their medical surgical clinical cycle. The guidance to develop the mind mapping (coaching) was given for approximately 60 minutes every week, for a total of 5 weeks clinical practice. The level of critical thinking competence was measured using Critical Thinking Disposition Self-Rating Form (CTDSR) which contains of 20 statements with dicotomous response. Wilcoxon Match Paired Test was used to analyse the data. Result: There 23 students enrolled in this study. Those participants were from 3 different groups. The coaching program was conducted from June-September 2016. The GPA of the respondents was above 3.0. The analysis result showed that the mean rank of post test was significantly higher than the mean rank of the pretest (Z=-2.034, P<0.05). Conclusion: The clinical learning as well as coaching in the internship program using Mind Mapping  method is strongly suggested. This method will enhance the critical thinking competence among students in taking care of their patients.

Key words: Mind Mapping case, Critical Thinking



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