Heri Bahtiar, Maelina Ariyanti, Aswati Aswati

Abstract views = 362 times | views = 322 times


Introduction. There are 103 toddlers in West Lombok suffering from severe malnutrition throughout 2013. This regency is ranked as the second place out of ten districts/cities in NTB having severely malnourished. It is due to the fact that illness and parenting-parents have yet been considered. The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship parenting-parent with diet and toddlers food consumption.Method. This study used analytical observation research with Cross-sectional design. The population were the entire households having children at Banyu Urip village with the samples, eighty-one toddlers, were taken through random sampling technique. Its data was analyzed by using Spearman Rank. Result. The finding shows; 1) parenting-parents, most authoritarian, is 47 (58%); 2) diet toddler, good category, is 58 (71.6%); 3) food-consumption on toddlers, deficit category, is 27 (33.3%); 4) no relationship among the parenting-parents, diet (p= 0.095) and toddler food consumption (p = 0.17). Discussion. Thus, it can be inferred that an authoritarian-parenting is the best parenting to diet and food-consumption for toddler-malnutrition.

Key words: Parenting, Diet, Food-consumption, Toddler

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